Abstract submission is now closed.

Thank you for the many strong submissions!

Our scientific committee is working hard to review all submissions and you should hear back no later than 30 September 2024.

If you have not heard by then, please email info@afcem24.org.

We look forward to seeing you in Botswana this November!

Guidelines for structure of Abstracts:

Please indicate ORAL or POSTER abstracts.

Maximum 300 words in 12 point New Times Roman font

No graphic images, tables, graphs or columns should be submitted with your abstract.


Title (20 words) This must clearly explain the abstract

Background and Objectives Provide the context and reason for carrying out the work

Methods or Description Describe the methods or approaches used for the work

Results or Lessons Learned Provide a summary of main findings

Conclusions or Way Forward What conclusions are in your work and way forward

In your submission state the subtheme your abstract falls under the following themes:

as related to Emergency medicine, Emergency nursing and Prehospital care

  • Critical Care
  • Disaster Medicine
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Emergency Medicine Education and Training
  • Environmental/ Wilderness Medicine
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Toxicology
  • Medical Emergencies (Neurological, Cardiovascular etc)
  • Surgical, Trauma and Orthopaedic Emergencies including wound management
  • Paediatric Emergencies
  • Pre-Hospital Care and EMS
  • Resuscitation
  • Simulation
  • Ultrasonography
  • Mental Health Emergencies
  • Obstetric Emergencies

Upload Abstracts

For abstract submission, review and processing.

  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and volunteers.
  • All the abstracts are reviewed by 2 blinded reviewers.
  • The abstract addresses at least one of the subthemes of the conference.
  • Preference to presentations will be given to research based on African data, and /or presented by African health care professionals.
  • The content of the abstract is clear, logical and fits in with the structure.

The conference will be held in English and French, and all abstracts and presentations must be made in English or French only.

  1. One abstract must be submitted online for each proposed presentation.
  2. Abstracts must reflect at least one of the symposium sub-themes (listed above)
  3. It is the responsibility of the authors to submit a correct abstract
  4. All correspondence will be with the one person who submits the abstract online, including notification of the outcome. This person is responsible for informing other authors on the status of the abstract.
  5. Authors are responsible for obtaining all copyright permissions for material included in their abstracts and presentations.
  6. The schedule of presentations will be determined by the Conference Organising Committee to ensure the best fit with the overall program. Abstracts in related areas will be grouped together for presentation.
  7. A PowerPoint presentation will be the only resource available for platform presentations.
  8. Decisions of the Conference Organizing Committee on abstracts are final.

Abstract submission must be made electronically.

Correspondences will be with the person who submits the abstract online.

Submissions should include the following:

Maximum 300 words in 12 point New Times Roman font

No graphic images, tables, graphs or columns should be submitted with your abstract.



Title (20 words) - This must clearly explain the abstract

Background and Objectives - Provide the context and reason for carrying out the work

Methods or Description - Describe the methods or approaches used for the work

Results or Lessons Learned - Provide a summary of main findings

Conclusions or Way Forward - What conclusions are in your work and way forward

  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and volunteers.
  • All the abstracts are reviewed by 2 blinded reviewers.
  • The abstract addresses at least one of the subthemes of the conference.
  • Preference to presentations will be given to research based on African data, and /or presented by African health care professionals.
  • The content of the abstract is clear, logical and fits in with the structure.